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September 2, 2021
Retained Information 

Retained Information Domiciliary Guidance Optom Guidance Letter 13-02-2012 Diabetes UK Roadshow Diabetes UK Roadshow 8 & 9 April 2008 SW London Clinics SW London Clinics Croydon GP list GP List 2012 Optom letter for diabetic patients Optom letter for diabetic patients GP letter for eye exam on diabetic patient GP letter for eye exam on…

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September 2, 2021
CET & Educational Lectures

CET & Educational Lectures Compulsory CET You will need to register with Vantage Technologies who are running the compulsory scheme on behalf of the GOC. Everything must be done through their website: You should be able to find all relevant information on CET requirements on this site. Educational Lectures The LOC is currently planning a…

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September 2, 2021

Links Organisations GOC: College of Optometrists: AOP: Compulsory CET organiser: UK Journals OT: Opchat News Optician: CE Optometry: Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics: Optometry in Practice: Other Resources – DOCET website – ophthalmological images – “global ophthalmic community” – free education but requires registration – atlas of eye disorders –…

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September 2, 2021
Local Protocols

Local Protocols   For further details of any of the local protocols please contact our Secretary, Sue Kavanagh by email on: Paediatric Screening Service Following work with the School Nursing Team and Croydon Eye Unit a new screening pathway was developed in 2003. This enables parents whose children fail vision screening at school the choice…

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September 2, 2021

Meetings LOC Meetings Committee meetings take place four times per year. The meetings are divided into 2 parts; confidential and non-confidential. If you would like to bring something to the Committee’s attention or see copies of the non-confidential minutes, please contact the Secretary, Sue Kavanagh by email AGM 2018 The AGM for 2020 was held…

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September 2, 2021
About LOC

About the LOC Croydon LOC is the organisation representing optometrists in Croydon. It liaises with the Clinical Commissioning Groups on matters relating to eye care. It also works closely with Croydon University Hospital (formerly Mayday) to develop shared working across the borough. The current Committee is listed below and a copy of the Constitution of…

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August 11, 2021
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March 19, 2021
Opchat News

Primary Health Net’s Latest news:

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March 4, 2021
LOC Home
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